Do You See What I See?
Behaviour Management Guidebook
Point of Focus: Self-Regulation
Do You See What I See? is a behaviour management guidebook that focuses on self-regulation.
If you are looking for alternative ways to manage behaviours, you will find that my guidebook consists of a variety of strategies to assist in helping you guide the child(ren), student(s), and youth in need. Whether your child(ren) is in a special education program, a mainstream classroom, has an IEP (individual education plan), and/or is homeschooled, I share alternate perspectives on problem solving, how to de-escalate, and/or limit meltdowns and tantrums.
My point of reference is based on observations from within and outside of the classroom over the past 17 years.
The alternative methods I provide may be familiar to some and foreign to most, but my goal is to assist you with how to guide a child and/or student on how to self-regulate.
The e-book copy of my guidebook allows you to click directly on the links that I provide, enabling immediate access to online resources while on the go and/or in one-on-one moments. Both the paperback and hard cover copies are convenient, as they can fit right into your bag or glove compartment for easy access. While those copies only show the links in print, most links are paired with the name of the source and a visual to provide further context within each chapter.
Publication Date
March 28, 2023